Tree climbing course for children

8 courses

From the age of 3

Park closed for winter
Reopening in April 2025

Starting from 9 €

Le outdoor nature adventure park comprises 8 tree climbing courses suitable for children : 2 pitchoun courses for children from 3 years old, 3 green courses and 3 blue courses for children over 1m20.

Pitchoun course from 3 years old

Accompany your little budding adventurers and let them evolve all security on the suitable routes.

Accessible from 3 years, the “pitchouns” courses are reserved for children under 1m20.
You will be able to encourage and help your children to overcome the obstacles set up at "man's height" (about 1 m from the ground).
Adventure park for children in Perpignan

Pitchoun course 1: 

  • alphabet bridge
  • Mesh tunnel
  • Swing
  • Slides and zip lines

Pitchoun course 2: 

  • rock climbing
  • Net rope bridge
  • 25m zip line
Introduce your children to the joys of nature and share a real bonding moment!

Tree climbing course for children from 6 years old and 1 m

3 green courses: 

Experience your first sensations at height on Introductory courses accessible from 1m20. 
These progressive courses are relatively close to the ground, to start gently and become familiar with the activity.
Ideal for children from 6/7 years old and for sharing a beautiful moment with the family!
Treetop adventure park for children 66
Green Route 1:

↑ 4m high

  • Boardwalk
  • ​Net tunnel
  • balance logs 
Green Route 2:
↑ 3m high
  • Climbing wall 
  • giant mushrooms
  • Tibetan bridges
  • Swing 
Green Route 3:
↑ 5m high
  • Jungle Tracks
  • cabin on stilts 
  • Ziplines up to 40m

3 blue courses:

Your first steps on the green courses have given you want more sensations ? Direction the blue courses, take height !
Just like the green courses, the blue ones are accessible to adults and children over 1m20 accompanied by their parents.
Cross the river on our zip lines: an adventure to share with the family!
Tree climbing for children in Perpignan
Blue Course 1:
↑ 3m high
  • Tree house
  • Giant spider web to climb 
  • Flying swing 
  • Ziplines up to 40m
Blue Course 2:
↑ 6m high
  • Zip line over the 40 m river 
  • Liana of Tarzan 
  • U-cable 
​Blue Course 3:
↑ 10m high
  • Elastic boards
  • Jungle Tracks 
  • Net rope bridge 
  • Zip lines up to 40 m

Also to discover:

The red and black courses

For children from 1m, teenagers and adults

All information about the adventure park

Routes, prices and practical information